How Finance Directors Can Reduce Debtor Days

How Finance Directors Could Drastically Reduce Their Debtor Days with Invoice Finance from Clear Cashflow Solutions

Managing cash flow efficiently is paramount for the survival and growth of any enterprise. One of the key challenges finance directors and small business owners face is managing debtor days effectively. The length of time it takes for a business to get paid by its customers can significantly impact its cash flow and overall financial […]

Opportunity Cost of Unpaid Invoices

The Opportunity Cost of Unpaid Invoices

In any competitive industry, timing is important. For small businesses, in particular, the balance between investing time in growth and ensuring healthy cash flow can be precarious. This is where utilising a facility like invoice finance can be powerful. Invoice financing is a strategy increasingly popular for unlocking cash from unpaid invoices. Invoice Finance for […]

Transforming Cash Flow with Invoice Factoring

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and ensuring its smooth operation is vital in stimulating growth and maintaining a viable business. For small to medium-sized enterprises, managing cash flow can be particularly challenging, with delayed payments causing a ripple effect on various business functions. That’s where invoice factoring can make a difference – […]

Exploring the Benefits of Trade Finance in the UK Market

Are you considering expanding your business into the dynamic UK market? Trade Finance could be the catalyst for your success. In this overview, we’ll examine how Trade Finance can serve as a linchpin for your business’s growth in the UK. Enhanced Cash Flow Management: Trade Finance solutions facilitate businesses in managing cash flows more effectively. With […]

Supporting Small Business Finance: The Role of Invoice Finance Brokers for Accountants

The Basics At its core, invoice finance is a means for businesses to unlock the cash tied up in their unpaid invoices. It grants immediate access to a proportion of the invoice value, usually around 85-90%, with the rest paid upon customer settlement—essentially accelerating cash inflow without waiting out the payment terms. Variants and Their […]

How to Manage Your Business’s Online Reputation

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